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Shapeshifter Romance: Alpha's Embrace - 3: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, Alpha Werewolf Romance, Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (My Billionaire Wolf)





  Copyright© 2015 by Callie Hartwood at RomLiaisons Books.

  All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Property of Callie Hartwood at RomLiaisons Books 2015

  The other books in the series are also available now!



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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Other Books By Callie Hartwood

  Chapter 1

  Lyanne felt at peace with the world.

  The morning had dawned with the beautiful rays from the sun streaming in through the cabin’s windows. Darian was still asleep beside her and their little chipmunk friend was curled up fast asleep nestled into a warm blanket on the bottom of their bed. Lyanne propped herself up on her elbow and stared across at the sexy man sleeping quietly beside her, how could this perfect man really be a wolf?

  She had so many questions firing around her head this morning. There was so much she wanted and needed to know about him.

  Lyanne had some knowledge about how a wolf pack worked, she knew the alpha male and female basically ran the pack, their decisions, and especially the alpha male were always followed by the rest of the pack. She was surprised to hear that Lisa was the omega wolf, but then as she thought back to her behavior it all made sense now.

  Lisa had shuffled into the cabin on their first encounter with her head bowed and had only glanced at Lyanne momentarily when she’d left with James and Daniel. No wonder Darian had been surprised by her attempt to attack Lyanne, because as the omega wolf her rank within their pack structure was the lowest.

  Lisa was important as she helped to keep the whole pack together, but she would have been the last to feed and been the subject of bullying from the others, this was evident in her mannerisms. The way she cowered and always shuffled along. Lyanne found the whole concept very fascinating, slightly bewildering, but fascinating at the same time.

  James and Daniel were beta wolves, and it seemed that James was more of a threat to Darian than Daniel was as he seemed to be the stronger wolf. Lyanne understood that the beta wolves could threaten the role of the alpha and even the omega could move up within the pack. They obviously viewed Lyanne as a threat, and that knowledge she didn’t like.

  Darian was waking up. He rolled over and looked at Lyanne, rubbing his eyes as he did.

  “Morning beautiful,” he whispered as he smiled at her with his hazel eyes filled with tenderness.

  “Hey you, my wolf man,” she giggled at her words and he swiped her elbow so she fell on her side staring into his hazel eyes.

  “Well, you’re still here so that’s a good sign. Revealing my inner wolf didn’t make you run a mile,” he said.

  She could feel his eyes burning into her very soul, his voice was so compassionate and she could detect some relief in his words, as though he half expected her to leave during the night.

  “Nope, I’m not leaving for anything. My place is here by your side. I’ve never felt this contented in my life Darian,” Lyanne meant every word of it as she gazed into his warm eyes. She loved him and she knew that now.

  “So I tell you that I’m a wild animal and you’re contented with that?”

  She giggled quietly and whispered, “Yes, yes I am because I also know the man that you are Darian. You helped me when I needed you and you help the creatures of the forest. I want to get to know your wolf as much as I want to get to know you as a man.”

  He leant up on his elbow and gazed into her pretty dark green eyes, his handsome features took Lyanne’s breath away. His tousled brown hair looked so appealing to Lyanne and the hard, warm muscles of his chest looked so sexy, his skin tone seemed to be tanned and made Lyanne look lily white in comparison.

  “I will tell you anything you want to know about the wolf inside me my sweet Lyanne, but first I want to kiss you,” he said as his soft mouth laid claim to her full and throbbing lips. His kiss was slow and sensual and Lyanne felt her pussy becoming aroused immediately. Darian’s tongue slipped between her parted lips, sweeping and swirling around her wet mouth, Lyanne’s tongue plunged into his mouth tasting his sweet flavor.

  Lyanne heard the disgruntled chipmunk chirping loudly as it scooted off the bed.

  Darian moved on top of her, she could feel his hard erection pressing against her pussy through the flimsy material of her short silk nightie, and she wanted him so badly, she moaned as he pressed his cock against her. Darian was naked; he apparently always slept naked much to Lyanne’s delight.

  He started pulling her nightie up, “I want you Lyanne,” he whispered in her ear as he tugged the nightie up around her curvy waist. She opened her legs and raised her knees slightly, he shifted and Lyanne groaned as his huge bulging shaft entered the moist sheath between her legs.

  There was no hesitation this morning he wanted her and she craved him. He kissed her passionately his tongue plunging into her wet mouth. He thrusted his rigid hardness into her wetness, Lynne groaned at how big his hard shaft felt inside her as he pushed deeper and deeper. He stopped, “Ride me Lyanne.”

  Lyanne didn’t know what to do; she’d seen images of the woman being on top but had never done it. Darian lay on his back and pulled her on top of him; she felt his swollen member between her legs and sat astride him. He took her silk nightie off revealing her beautifully formed full breasts, Darian reached for them cupping one in each hand gently caressing them. Lyanne moaned and threw her head back her long red hair cascading down her silky smooth back.

  Darian’s fingers danced across her naked breasts finding her erect nipples, he gently squeezed them and then sat up and captured one in his mouth. His tongue flicked across it as his teeth lightly nibbled while Lyanne squirmed and groaned loudly. She raised herself up on her knees and sat down gently on to his full throbbing erection her pussy lips enveloping it in its sweet juices; she needn’t have worried about not knowing what to do as Lyanne’s actions came naturally to her.

  She felt slightly self-conscious sitting on top of Darian’s strong muscular body, and wished she were slimmer. Her thoughts soon vanished though when she saw Darian looking at her with lust and desire.

  She moved lightly up and down on Darian’s glistening shaft as he lay back down holding her curvy thighs as she moved, and watching her full and naked breasts bounce together, he thrusted into her and she could feel every in
ch of his hardness inside her hot and soaking wet spot.

  She moved faster and faster, harder and harder, it didn’t take Lyanne long to feel the overwhelming explosion of ecstasy inside her as she cried Darian’s name. Within minutes of her sensational climax, Darian came inside her as he groaned loudly shuddering with the intensity of his orgasm.

  Lyanne collapsed on to Darian and he held her close stroking her wavy red hair gently. She moved off his beautiful body and snuggled in beside him wrapping an arm around his slim and toned waist.

  “I see our little furry pal found alternative accommodation then,” laughed Darian as he looked toward the chipmunk that was now asleep on the floor by their bed.

  “He chirped and scooted off,” Lyanne said still breathless from their passionate sex.

  Darian kissed the top of her head softly and then lifted her arm up, he leapt out of bed and Lyanne watched him as he moved across the bedroom completely naked.

  His legs were lean and muscular leading to his tight and firm ass and narrow hips, as she watched the way he moved Lyanne could almost see the wolf in him. He moved with stealth and grace, which for a man was rare enough in itself. He also covered the ground quickly even when just walking.

  He turned and caught Lyanne admiring his naked form, “Enjoying the show?”

  “Yes, thank you I am,” she laughed as he started to put his clothes on.

  “Well I’m sorry to say the show’s now over. So come on out of bed you.”

  Lyanne sighed with disappointment for two reasons. One because Darian was now dressed and two because she had to climb out of bed. She could have stayed there all day simply having sex with Darian. She’d lost her virginity to him and now she wanted him all of the time.

  The cabin door banged loudly, “Darian come on man open the fucking door,” shouted James.

  “Shit, another confrontation,” Lyanne mumbled as Darian went to let him in; she hurriedly threw some black leggings on with a baggy white t-shirt and hoodie and went to join them.

  Chapter 2

  Lyanne entered the cabin’s lounge where James and Darian were sat talking.

  “Darian tells me you know everything now Lyanne,” James said looking at her with his cold blue eyes.

  Lyanne felt slightly awkward and said quietly, “Yes, I know everything.”

  “So I can speak freely in front of her Darian?”

  “When you stop referring to Lyanne as ‘her’ then yes you can. Anything you’ve got to say to me you can say in front Lyanne,” Darian said looking across at Lyanne.

  Lyanne felt flattered, Darian truly respected her and wanted his pack to do the same. It was a lot for her to adjust to, she was involved with an alpha wolf and he had his own pack, which she guessed she was part of now.

  “Did you hear the wolf song last night?” James said with a shaky tone to his voice. “It was deep in the forest.”

  “No, we didn’t hear anything,” Darian said and looked at Lyanne for confirmation.

  “No, nothing,” she whispered feeling unsure about contributing to the conversation, but Darian had prompted her to.

  James looked at her and said, “Nothing at all, you guys heard nothing?”

  Lyanne felt thrilled. James had included her, she felt accepted, well at least by James. Lisa and Daniel might be harder to convince but then Lyanne always had James down as the tough guy.

  “There was a lone howl and then a whole bunch of wolf song followed it. Darian, I hate to say it man, but I think there’s another pack here,” James said, and for once Lyanne detected fear in his eyes.

  Darian stood up and walked toward Lyanne, he put his arm around her briefly and then said, “We’ve never had any problems before James, why now?”

  “Is it me Darian?” Lyanne said, genuinely concerned that her presence in the wilderness had encouraged another wolf pack to invade Darian’s territory.

  Darian looked at James and then James spoke, “No, Lyanne probably not. I don’t see how they’d feel you being here was so vital that they had to intrude on our home, and I don’t mean that to sound disrespectful.”

  “I understand,” Lyanne whispered, she appreciated his respect.

  “They must have been driven out from their own territory, there’s no other reason for them to be here,” Darian said.

  Lyanne sat down next to James on the couch and surprisingly he didn’t move. “What’ll happen now?” she said worried for Darian and his pack.

  “With a bit of luck they’ll become bored and leave, there’s nothing for them here. Our pack runs this land and our comradery is excellent. Any wolf pack with knowledge of our pack will know this and will know they can’t split us up or move us on,” Darian said.

  Lyanne looked at him and said quietly, “Will that be their aim then to move you on?”

  “Yeah, and if they can’t achieve that they’ll attempt to make us weaker by splitting the pack. If a pack splits or loses the alpha wolf they’re at their most vulnerable and any wolf looking to highjack the pack or the pack’s territory will strike then,” James said quietly looking at Lyanne.

  Now she was really worried. What if these other wolves hurt Darian, she shuddered and Darian noticed.

  “Hey, don’t fret. We’ll cope, right James?” Darian said as he walked across toward Lyanne.

  James knew Darian was trying to reassure Lyanne, “Of course we’ll cope, we always have.”

  “Did Lisa and Daniel hear the wolf song?” Darian said with concern in his voice.

  “Yes and they’re both as edgy as fuck today, they wouldn’t even come up here to see you. They think the outsider pack may try and pick us off in the daylight.”

  Darian threw his head back and laughed, “They won’t attack in the day, and the best thing to do right now is stay together we’re at our strongest when we’re together. James I think the three of you should come here, to the cabin for now.”

  Lyanne’s heart sank. Did Darian really just invite the whole fucking wolf clan to stay?

  “Will that be fine with you Lyanne?” Darian asked.

  Lyanne gave an awkward smile and through clenched teeth said, “Yes, of course whatever you think is the best thing to do,” she felt vexed by the situation and felt that he’d only asked her opinion as an afterthought. Still she could hardly argue with the alpha wolf, now could she, James touched her arm and she jumped.

  “Thanks Lyanne, this gesture will mean a lot to the others as it does to me,” he turned to look at her with his blue eyes staring deeply at her, Lyanne noticed how handsome his face was, she’d never realized before but James was actually a good-looking guy. He’d left his hand on her arm a little longer than he should have and Darian coughed, making James drop his hand quickly and Lyanne to look away from him realizing just how much she was staring.

  “That’s settled then. James we’ll expect you all later,” Darian said as he moved toward the door. James stood up looking down at Lyanne, she smiled up at him and he left.

  Lyanne suddenly felt very awkward alone with Darian, he walked across and sat beside her on the couch. He didn’t speak a word she looked at him but he was staring at the ground. Lyanne knew he’d seen the way she’d looked at James and how his hand had lingered on her arm.

  “Well this will prove interesting,” she muttered.

  Darian looked at her with his hazel eyes void of any emotion, “It’s the only way we can all stay safe, I hope you can understand that Lyanne. You seem to have accepted James more now.”

  “Isn’t that what you want? For me to accept what you are and to do that surely I’ve got to accept the others. What am I supposed to do here Darian, tell me because I’m struggling trying to please you? If I don’t get along with your pack that’s wrong and if I do that’s also wrong!” Lyanne said as she stood up.

  “God Lyanne, I’m sorry I’m being a complete ass. Jealousy is a bitch whatever species you are I guess, forgive me,” Darian stood in front of her taking her hands in his and looking into her green e

  Lyanne looked up at him, “You’ve no reason to be jealous Darian, that’s ludicrous. I want you and only you whatever you think you saw between James and I you were mistaken.”

  Lyanne spoke the words aloud hoping she’d convince herself as much as Darian, she’d felt something for James but she truly loved Darian. He leant toward her and kissed her mouth softly holding her close.

  “Come on let’s get out of here,” he said grabbing their boots and coats.