Shapeshifter Romance: Alpha's Embrace - 3: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, Alpha Werewolf Romance, Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (My Billionaire Wolf) Page 2
Lyanne quickly pulled her boots on as she was grateful for the distraction. They left the cabin and stepped out into the cold crisp air.
“Is it safe to be out here right now?” Lyanne asked, she felt safe enough beside Darian but even so, it was an unnerving thought thinking about another pack of wolves out there, she was frightened enough when Darian’s pack had nearly attacked her. It still scared the shit out of her to know that his pack hurt Nathan, and yet here she was with the alpha.
Darian took her hand, “You’ll be safe with me my sweet Lyanne don’t worry,” as he spoke, they heard a quiet distant howl and Lyanne held his hand tighter.
“You said they’d never attack in the day,” she whispered.
“They’re desperate to make their presence known that’s all, they won’t risk coming out in the daylight.”
They continued walking through the snowy wilderness hand in hand and Lyanne started to relax and appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. The earlier awkwardness between them melted away as quickly as the snowflakes hitting the ground around them.
The forest was truly magical, Lyanne had never noticed how captivating it truly was until now, Darian knew every inch of it as he took them on twists and turns through the trees. They turned a corner and both froze, standing in front of them with its bristling fur and ears standing erect was a lone wolf, the first thing Lyanne noticed were the sharp teeth the second thing she noticed were the cold amber colored eyes just staring right at them. She felt Darian release her hand.
“Don’t move Lyanne, stand perfectly still,” he whispered to her, truth is she couldn’t have moved if she’d wanted to as she was frozen with pure fear.
The wolf wasn’t moving there was no indication of what it intended to do next. Lyanne saw the staring amber eyes shift their gaze to her side, it was looking downward. She followed the wolf’s eyes and standing by her side was another wolf, not Darian anymore but a wolf. It turned and looked at Lyanne with warm eyes, she’d know those hazel eyes anywhere she felt as though her legs would buckle underneath her Lyanne’s breathing was fast and erratic, she felt sick.
The wolf beside her started to creep slowly forward not shifting its gaze from the other wolf, it stood in front of Lyanne. The other wolf flattened its ears and lowered its body toward the cold snow, its lips were still drawn back but the snarling had stopped. To Lyanne it looked as though it was being submissive to Darian, the wolf took one last look toward Lyanne then turned tail and vanished into the wilderness.
Chapter 3
Lyanne dropped to her knees on the icy snow and buried her head in her hands.
“Lyanne, Lyanne are you okay?” Darian’s voice was filled with concern. Lyanne looked up and saw his warm hazel eyes, she tried to stand on shaky legs but fell to her knees again.
Darian went to help her up but she shoved him away, “What the fuck was that?” she spat the words at him.
“What did you want me to do? I didn’t get the opportunity to explain to you what was about to happen Lyanne, well now you’ve seen my inner wolf. I had to protect you, and the only way to do that successfully was to shift.”
She knew what he was saying was true but it was a shock to the system for her, one minute he’d been Darian and the next a wolf.
“So you can just shift in an instant?” she asked, as she eventually stood up still keeping her distance from him.
“If I sense any imminent danger yes and I used to shift to hunt with my pack, but as you know only they hunt now I eat regular food.”
Lyanne didn’t know what to say or what to feel. She knew what Darian was, and yet seeing him shift into his wolf had brought clarity to the whole concept. She preferred the mystery of his inner wolf and not actually knowing it or seeing it, this was all a bit freaky for her.
“You don’t like what you saw do you?” he said, as if reading her thoughts.
She looked at him and said, “I’m just digesting it all, it was one thing you telling me what you are but a totally different thing seeing it for myself.”
“We need to go back Lyanne as the wolf will return and she won’t be alone next time.”
“She, it was a she?” somehow this information shocked Lyanne, she had automatically assumed the wolf had been a male.
“Yes a she, a beta wolf like James and Daniel. I don’t know why she was out alone but like I say she won’t be next time so we must go,” Darian looked apprehensive as he peered into the dense forest.
She let him help her now as they trudged through the deep snow, suddenly the beauty she’d seen in the wilderness had vanished and now all she observed was a cold and threatening landscape. They made their way back to the cabin to find James, Daniel and Lisa waiting outside.
“Hey, we were worried about you, we heard a howl, did you guys hear it?” said Lisa.
“You could say that,” mumbled Lyanne as she made her way to the cabin’s door with the help of Darian’s strong grip.
“Are you hurt Lyanne?” asked James as he watched Darian helping her.
“She’s fine, I had to shift because we didn’t just hear the howl we met the owner of said howl,” said Darian as he and Lyanne made their way into the safety of the cabin where they were greeted by the chirping chipmunk.
“Hey little guy,” said Lyanne as the chipmunk scampered away.
“It doesn’t like us,” Daniel said as he entered the cabin with the other two following closely behind him.
“Probably as it might end up as our dinner,” Lisa said laughing.
“You keep away from him, just keep the fuck away from him,” shouted Lyanne as she went after the chipmunk.
“Really Lisa, in bad taste or what,” said James as he followed Lyanne. Lisa just shrugged her shoulders and went off to find Darian who’d gone into the kitchen.
Lyanne had gone into the bedroom and shut the door as the chipmunk was with her, “Lyanne can I come in?” James asked through the shut door.
“If you’re not going to eat my little friend then yes,” Lyanne replied. James was smiling when he entered the room. “No I won’t harm him and Lisa’s a bitch for what she said Lyanne.”
“The day has been stressful James, seeing Darian shift was a shock,” Lyanne said as she looked at him.
James walked toward the bed and sat beside Lyanne, “Yes I can only imagine. We’ve all got used to it and have grown with it but for you it must have been terrifying. Did Darian fight this other wolf?”
“No, it backed down and ran away he said it was a female,” said Lyanne.
James pondered over Lyanne’s words for a moment and then said, “She must have been a beta wolf then like myself and Daniel, an omega wouldn’t have confronted an alpha and another alpha wolf wouldn’t have backed down as easily.”
“God, this is all so weird to me James. Listening to you all speak about wolves and then realizing that you’re all actually wolves,” Lyanne said as she looked into James’ piercing blue eyes.
He leant toward her and before she realized what he was doing he kissed her tenderly on the lips, his mouth felt soft and his lips lingered on hers. She kissed him back with the same feathery lightness.
As he pulled away from Lyanne his eyes filled with guilt, “God, Lyanne I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I kissed you back James,” she said touching his arm as she spoke.
“You’re so beautiful, Darian’s a lucky guy,” he whispered as he stood up and left the room.
Lyanne was unsure of what had happened, James had kissed her but instead of pulling away and feeling repelled she’d enjoyed it, and even felt herself being turned on by it. She couldn’t believe the way she’d acted toward James, she loved Darian and until a little while ago had been a virgin.
There was a knock on the door, Lyanne hoped it was James returning for more, and was a little disappointed when Darian’s voice said, “Lyanne, can I come in?”
“Of course,” she said.
Darian entered the room and
walked toward the bed taking a seat where James had just been sitting.
“I saw James leaving the room, are you okay?” Darian said searching Lyanne’s eyes for an answer.
Lyanne didn’t want to lie to him but she knew the truth would tear him up; she had to think quickly he was waiting for an answer and the longer he waited the guiltier she appeared. She had no choice she had to up and tell him the truth she couldn’t lie to those beautiful hazel eyes.
“I’m fine Darian, but I’ve got to tell you something, and you won’t like it.”
Darian turned her to face him, “Tell me Lyanne, and I’ll decide if I like it or not.”
She looked at the ground but he tilted her head toward him, he wasn’t going to make this easy for her.
“James and I,” god this was harder than she thought, she took a deep breath. “James and I…we kissed.”
Darian’s face changed instantly from one filled with concern and warmth to one filled with disgust and hurt, he stood up and turned away from her.
“Darian, say something, anything but speak to me,” Lyanne implored.
“Not much I can say Lyanne. Did you enjoy kissing him?” his voice sounded so pathetically small, so hurt.
“It was one kiss it meant nothing to either of us.”
“So now you’re inside James’ head, you know what he thought of your kiss. You have no comprehension Lyanne what this kind of behavior can do to a pack.”
“That’s right because here’s a fucking news flash for you I’m not a wolf Darian and I’m doing my fucking best to understand the set-up here,” she was hurt now, it was one kiss, that’s all one kiss.
There was a knock on the door, “Hey you guys better get your asses out here,” Lisa shouted.
“Later Lyanne, later we’ll finish this chat then,” Darian said as he left the room leaving Lyanne feeling about an inch tall, she stood up to leave the room with tears pricking at her green eyes.
As Lyanne entered the room, Daniel turned and glared at her, as did Lisa.
“What? What have I done now?” she asked moving into the lounge beside Darian.
“There was another howl and James left in a hurry and in a foul mood shouting something about you fucking with his head, he’s obviously gone to seek out the source of the howl and is all fired up because of you Lyanne,” said Daniel.
Darian moved closer to Lyanne and put his arm across the front of her as if to protect her from Daniel and Lisa.
“No, this can wait, but for now we’ve got to find James he’s capable of doing just about anything when he’s like this. Lyanne stay here, you two outside now,” shouted Darian as he held the door open and then followed the pair, turning for a last glance at Lyanne before disappearing into the snow.
Chapter 4
Lyanne sat down on the couch feeling totally dejected, was this what life with a wolf pack would always be like. She’d always be the outsider; of course, she would to a point, as she wasn’t a wolf and couldn’t be a wolf. The others were born into shifting, this was their destiny they had no choice no say in the matter. She could do no more than wait for their return.
She moved to the window and noticed the light was failing quickly, this filled Lyanne with dread as this meant the other wolves would be roaming the snowy wilderness soon. The snow was falling heavily making the light fade away even quicker. Lyanne couldn’t just stay in the cabin and do nothing so she started to pull her boots on with the chipmunk staring at her, “I’ve got to go little guy, you’ll be fine,” the chipmunk chirped loudly at her as she fastened her coat.
The icy wind hit Lyanne in the face as soon as she opened the door, but instead of having second thoughts and turning around and going back indoors, she tucked her head down and trudged through the deep snow. She had no idea where the others had gone, she started walking in the direction that Darian had taken them before.
The silent air was broken by a low howl, followed by a series of higher pitched howls and then lots of whimpering, yelping and barking, Lyanne froze. If the sound didn’t strike Lyanne’s heart with terror, she’d have appreciated the beauty of it.
It suddenly dawned on her how foolish she’d been leaving the security of the cabin. She was now in the wolves’ domain and she had no idea how to tell her so-called pack from the outsider pack. She kept walking forward with the howling growing louder, the snow was driving into her face now and Lyanne was struggling to walk.
She went to turn, to go back to the cabin and as she did she could sense something approaching slowly from her side. She lifted her head in the direction of the movement and found herself looking into a pair of amber eyes once again.
She stood still, remembering Darian’s words to her. She had no idea if this was the same wolf they’d encountered but the eyes were certainly the same, and she knew even as a wolf Darian’s eyes were hazel in color. The wolf crept toward Lyanne and then stopped in its tracks and glanced behind her, Lyanne didn’t dare to turn and follow its gaze but as she stood looking at it, two wolves flanked her creeping slowly toward the other wolf. They didn’t look at Lyanne.
A third and fourth wolf came out from the trees and joined them, Lyanne was now certain this was Darian and his pack and she immediately felt safer. The four wolves ran toward the lone wolf and before it had the chance to run they were upon it and in a mad flurry of teeth, claws and blood, they attacked it. Lyanne almost felt sympathy for it.
They left it lying in a small pool of its own blood, it wasn’t dead but it was wounded. The wolves made their way back to Lyanne and she put her hands out she was able to run her gloved hands over their soft fur. She followed them and they were soon back at the cabin, they entered with Lyanne in front she turned to check they were still following her into the cabin and was surprised to see them all back in human form, in their clothes.
“Lyanne where was your head at?” James said.
“I was worried…I’m sorry.”
“You could’ve endangered us all including yourself,” Daniel said and Darian nodded in agreement.
“Well I think she’s got balls,” Lisa laughed smiling at Lyanne. “She went out into the forest and even after hearing howling she didn’t run away.”
Lyanne smiled back at Lisa. She felt she was being accepted finally, she fitted in.
Lisa walked toward her and put her arms around her she held Lyanne close and Lyanne squeezed her back surprised to feel herself starting to get aroused by Lisa. She could feel Lisa’s pert breasts pressing against hers as they hugged; Lisa held Lyanne away from her and looked at her with her pale green eyes and her ginger hair being teased from its ponytail.
She tilted Lyanne’s head slightly leant toward her and kissed her gently on the mouth, it was an intoxicating kiss. Lyanne felt it everywhere as she moaned softly; Lisa put her hands behind her head and pulled her into her kissing her harder with her tongue seeking out Lyanne’s mouth.
James coughed and the girls stopped abruptly.
“At least let us join in,” James said looking toward Darian for approval, Darian nodded.
“Lyanne this is why I was upset when you kissed James earlier, the timing was wrong. As a pack after a confrontation or after a hunt, well a hunt for these three anyway, we reaffirm our pack ranking, our closeness by bonding. Not all packs do this as the alpha normally won’t share his alpha female but I haven’t exactly had a long list of females, and I think we should all bond. If you agree my sweet Lyanne,” Darian said smiling at her. He’d made Lyanne feel bad for kissing James but right now she didn’t care.
Daniel approached Lyanne and Lisa and stood behind Lyanne, as Lisa kissed her Daniel lifted her hoodie and t-shirt off so she was standing in her leggings and blue lacy bra, he ran his hands down her back while Lisa held her head and kissed her deeply with her tongue plunging into her mouth. Lyanne couldn’t resist, and as James walked toward them with Darian at his side, she started to feel the dampness grow between her soft thighs.
Daniel kissed the side of her
neck tenderly while Lisa still kissed her full lips and James stood behind Lisa kissing her neck softly.
Lyanne had never felt anything like this before, Darian spoke quietly, “Why don’t we take this through to the bedroom guys.”
He reached out for Lyanne’s hand while Lisa took her other hand gently in hers, James and Daniel followed them. Lyanne had no idea how to act as she’d only just learnt the art of having sex with Darian let alone putting three more people in the equation. She was certain they’d show her the way though and she wasn’t wrong.
As soon as they entered the bedroom, Lisa started undressing followed by the others and Darian moved so he was standing in front of Lyanne, he started to pull her leggings off gently and she helped him out of his jeans and top. She felt pleased and reassured that it was Darian undressing her and not one of the others, his touch put her at ease.